Black Horse
wholesale funding
Funding facility to support Black Horse Retail Partners

Wholesale Funding is provided to Black Horse Retail Partners to help them stock their forecourts with new or used vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, caravans and light commercial vehicles.
These vehicles are stocked for the purpose to sell onto customers.
How it works:
Funding is secured against individual vehicles or on a floating charge over the dealer’s existing vehicle stock.
The dealer then reimburses Black Horse with the original funds financed, following sale of the vehicle.
Products Offered:
Black Horse Wholesale Funding offers the following products:
- Unit Inventory Finance (UIF)
- Traditional Funding (Current Account)
What you need to know about Unit Inventory Finance (UIF):
- Funding is provided for new, used or demonstrator vehicles on an individual basis up to an approved total credit limit.
- The finance advanced is based on a percentage of the vehicle purchase price or recognised trade value.
- Typically for new and demonstrator vehicles this could be up to 100% and for used vehicles typically up to 80%.
- The dealer purchases the vehicles and subsequently applies for funding on each individual unit.
- Stock is funded for a maximum agreed period. Typically up to 180 days.
- Unit Inventory Finance is subject to full credit and financial assessment.
What you need to know about Traditional Funding (Current Account):
- Provision of a revolving credit style of funding to enable dealers to fund vehicles.
- This is normally for used vehicle stock.
- Typically, facilities are for large stocks of used vehicles.
- The finance advanced is not linked to individual vehicles. It is based on a percentage of the total dealer stock value.
- Tangible security is held in the form of floating charges over the vehicle stock , and additional security cover in the form of a charge over unencumbered property.
Traditional Funding is subject to full credit and financial assessment.
Benefits Of Wholesale Funding:
- Provision of funding to purchase large quantities of stock
- Flexible funding dependent on the individual needs and financial viability of our dealers.
- The funding facilities are reviewed regularly, usually on an annual basis, to ensure that the needs of our dealers are being met.
- Agreed and closely managed credit lines to enable our dealers’ flexibility with their stock purchases.
- Automatic electronic feeds from the Black Horse Dealer Management System (DMS) to supporting vehicle agencies for batch processing of vehicles.