Are EVs really better for the environment? 

EVs do emit carbon at the manufacturing stage but this impact is neutralised once the vehicle has travelled 20,000 miles. 

A worldwide study of EV sustainability showed that the average break-even mileage is 15,000 – 20,000 miles. At this point, the car becomes greener than its petrol or diesel equivalent. This break-even point changes according to the location of the vehicle. This is because the electricity that goes into powering EVs can vary significantly in its sustainability.


Which is better for vehicle life cycle?

In a vehicle with a combustion engine, efficiency and consumption are one and the same. In EVs, it's more complicated. This is because it’s possible for energy to be lost during the charging process and when the car is parked. Of course, both petrol vehicles and EVs vary in their consumption of energy, with vehicle size a contributing factor. It is therefore valuable to assess vehicle size versus energy consumption when making your buying decision. 

Overall, according to the research, EVs have better life cycle emissions than their petrol and diesel equivalents. Driving an EV in the UK will result in around 70% fewer carbon emissions.

Since EVs have fewer mechanical components, they should last longer than traditional vehicles, and require less frequent replacement, which further reduces their carbon footprint. 

By planning to own your EV for at least 20,000 miles, you are benefiting the environment more than you would sticking to petrol or diesel cars.


Read about how to choose an EV