Will a used EV last?
Used EVs should last very well since they have fewer mechanical elements than petrol or diesel vehicles.
Many used EVs will also have plenty of years left on their warranty.
Since EVs have fewer moving parts, there should be less that can go wrong mechanically, and therefore it is likely your used car will be in good condition.
Plus, if you’re looking for an entry point into EV ownership, starting with an inexpensive used car can provide a good introduction.

Battery life
On average, EV batteries only degrade at a rate of 2.3% of maximum capacity per year, so with proper care – for example, unless you need to do long journeys, try charging to 80% to help preserve battery life – you can reliably expect your EV battery to last as long or longer than petrol or diesel engine components.
The UK government has been working to develop technical regulations on minimum battery performance standards and is analysing options for adopting these regulations into UK law. If the UK follows the US government's example it could see mandates that EV manufacturers warranty their batteries for 8 years or 100,000 miles.

Beyond vehicles
Batteries are tools to enable decarbonisation while also on the way to being fully sustainable themselves.
At the end of their life in a vehicle, an EV battery retains 75-80% of its original capacity. This means they retain enough life to act as energy storage. “Storage” refers to technologies that can capture electricity, store it as another form of energy (chemical, thermal, mechanical), and then release it for use when it is needed.
One use case example is to store solar power when the sun isn't shining.